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Members around Europe

has established an intense collaboration in the field of the implementation of national technology Programmes. This is to the benefit of both their governments and regular customers.

The Network allows the national organisations to learn best practices from an analysis of how other members run their affairs. It also enables them to collaborate at a European level.

Innovation agencies

ANI – Portugal

ANI is the Portuguese National Innovation Agency. Its mission is to promote knowledge transfer through greater and better collaboration between enterprises and the research and knowledge production institutions. ANI´s mandate is to promote innovation through research funding.

Bpifrance – France

Bpifrance provides assistance and financial support to small and medium-sized enterprises, facilitating access to banks and equity capital investors, in particular during the high-risk phases: Start-up, Innovation, Development, International, Buy out.

Business Finland – Finland

Business Finland is the main public provider for innovation funding, and services for internationalization and travel promotion. Business Finland also attracts foreign investments and venture capital.

CDTI Spain

The Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI) is a Spanish public organisation, under the Ministry of Science and Innovation, whose objective is to help Spanish companies to increase their technological profile. It is a state-owned company, and, established in 1977, has financed more than 15,000 technology development projects so far.

DAHES – Denmark

The Agency was established 2017 based on elements from the two former agencies for Innovation and for higher education. The Agency creates the foundation for knowledge and wealth through allocation and administration of grants and funding to institutions within higher education and innovation, grants for students, as well as it supervises public research and innovation funds in Denmark. 

ENEA – Italy

ENEA, the Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and the Environment is a public undertaking operating in the fields of energy, the environment and new technologies to support competitiveness and sustainable development.

Enterprise Ireland – Ireland

Enterprise Ireland is an organisation of the Government of Ireland with the mission of building the competitive capability of Irish industry.

Estonian Business and Innovation Agency – Estonia

Established in year 2000 Enterprise Estonia today is the key governmental agency in Estonia for promoting business model development and innovation acceleration, trade development, raising foreign direct investments, attracting foreign talent and developing tourism. With offices in 17 foreign markets, Enterprise Estonia serves as a bridge between the Estonian business environment and the world.

FFG – Austria

The Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) offers advice, support and promotion for research and innovation projects. In this way, the FFG plays an important role in achieving aims, both research and political, defined by Austria and the European Union.

Flanders Innovation and Entrepreneurship – Belgium

Flanders Innovation & Entrepreneurship is the contact point for entrepreneurs in Flanders. We encourage and support innovation and entrepreneurship, and contribute to a favourable business climate. This is done in close collaboration with local actors and supported by international commitments in EUREKA, E.E.N., Horizon Europe, IPCEI, ERDF and Interreg.


The Agency’s activities include the promotion of establishment and development of small business entities, financing operation and development of small business entities by loans and guarantees issuing for approved loans by creditors as well as promotion of investments in small business.

Innosuisse Switzerland

Innosuisse is the Swiss Innovation Agency. It is a federal entity under public law with a separate legal personality. Innosuisse’s role is to promote science-based innovation in the interests of industry and society in Switzerland with the aim of increasing the competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Switzerland.

Innovate UK

Innovate UK is a business-focused organisation dedicated to promoting technology-enabled innovation across the UK. Its role is to promote and support research into and development and exploitation of science, technology and new ideas for the benefit of business, in order to increase sustainable economic growth and improve the quality of life.

Innovation Agency Lithuania

Innovation agency Lithuania is the official public agency responsible for the development of Lithuanian innovation ecosystem and the promotion of innovation at all stages of business development – from developing ideas to delivering products and services to end-users.

Innovation Fund Serbia (IFS) – Serbia

The Innovation Fund Serbia (IFS) was founded by the Law on Innovation Activity in 2006 to encourage and manage financing for innovation in Serbia. It is modeled after international examples of similar organizations in order to provide financing for innovation and to encourage entrepreneurship in science and technology.

Innovation Norway

Innovation Norway is the Norwegian Government’s key instrument to achieve both private and socio-economic profitable business and industry development, working to increase the numbers of good entrepreneurs, companies with growth capabilities, and innovative business clusters.

Innoviris – Brussels

Innoviris is the Brussels Institute for the encouragement of scientific research and innovation. Their mission is to support and stimulate research, development and innovation in and for Brussels through the funding of innovative projects by companies, research organisations and the non-commercial sector.

Investment and Development Agency of Latvia (LIAA)

Investment and Development Agency of Latvia (LIAA) works to increase export and competitiveness of Latvian companies, facilitate foreign investment and implement tourism development and innovation policies.

Invitalia – Italy

Invitalia is the National Agency for inward investment and economic development, owned by the Italian Ministry of Economy and Finance, that is a 100% shareholder. The Agency operates with a mandate from the Italian Government.

Israel Innovation Authority – Israel

The Israel Innovation Authority, an independent publicly funded agency, was created to provide a variety of practical tools and funding platforms aimed at effectively addressing the dynamic and changing needs of the local and international innovation ecosystems

Luxinnovation – Luxembourg

Luxinnovation is the National Agency for Innovation and Research for Luxembourg and is a key partner for companies looking to engage in innovation activities in Luxembourg or aiming to expand their business at the international level. Luxinnovation also contributes to the country’s sector-specific trade promotion and prospection efforts.

National Research, Development and Innovation Office – Hungary

The National Research, Development and Innovation Office (NKFIH) of Hungary is a national strategic and funding agency for scientific research, development and innovation, the primary source of advice on RDI policy for the Hungarian Government, and the primary RDI funding agency.

NCBR – Poland

The National Centre for Research and Development (NCBR) is a government agency of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Poland. It has been established to support and develop innovative technological and social solutions creating a robust innovation ecosystem. It launches varied national and international R&D funding initiatives contributing to the society and economy.

Netherlands Enterprise Agency ( – Netherlands

Netherlands Enterprise Agency ( encourages entrepreneurs in sustainable, agrarian, innovative and international business. The aim is to improve opportunities for entrepreneurs and strengthen their position. Within the theme of innovation our staff helps entrepreneurs with financing their innovative idea, finding business partners, international opportunities, know-how, intellectual property rights and compliance with laws and regulations.

NIÜ – the Hungarian Innovation Agency The mission of NIÜ is to strengthen the Hungarian innovative capacity by addressing the changing needs of the innovation ecosystem, connecting the actors within and spreading the culture of innovation in Hungary.  

PARP – Poland

The Polish Agency for Enterprise Development (PARP) is a state agency, which has supported entrepreneurship for 18 years now. From the very beginning of its activity, the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development (PARP) focused on a development of entrepreneurship, innovation and implementation of EU Structural Policy.

PtJ – Germany

With expertise in research and innovation management, Project Management Jülich supports its clients in the German federal government and state governments as well as the European Commission in implementing their research policy goals with a focus on project funding. The agency thus constitutes an important interface between its partners – striving for a strong German research and innovation landscape within a joint European Research Area.

RANNIS – Iceland

The Icelandic Centre for Research (Rannis) supports research, innovation, education and culture in Iceland.

SIEA Slovakia

The Slovak Innovation and Energy Agency (SIEA) is a contributory organization of the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic.

Sowalfin – Belgium

SOWALFIN is the one-stop shop for Walloon SMEs. SOWALFIN stands at the side of entrepreneurs at each step of the company lifecycle: start-up, growth, internationalisation, innovation, green transition, transfer of ownership

SPIRIT Slovenia

The Agency’s mission is to be an active player in the business environment and ensure the competitiveness and promotion of the Slovenian economy.

TA CR – Czech Republic

Technology Agency of the Czech Republic is the national agency established in order to support applied research, experimental development, and innovation in the Czech Republic and thus to contribute to the increasing competitiveness and economic growth of the Czech Republic. The creation of TA CR in 2009 is one of the cornerstones of the fundamental research and development (R&D) reform in the Czech Republic. One of the important tasks of the TA CR is to support cooperation between research organizations and businesses.

The Research Council of Norway – Norway

The Research Council of Norway acts as a government adviser, identifying present and future needs for knowledge and research. The Council is also a funding agency for research programmes and independent projects, strategic programmes at research institutes and Norwegian participation in international research programmes.

TTGV – Turkey

TTGV is a leading public-private partnership in Turkiye with a mission to increase the competitiveness of the private sector by promoting and supporting technology development and innovation activities. Since its establishment in 1991, TTGV had an active role in the promotion of the national technology and innovation system and its linkages to the international networks.

USF – the Ukrainian Startup Fund The Ukrainian Startup Fund (USF) is a state-owned fund established to support the development of early-stage startups in Ukraine. The fund’s primary goal is to nurture innovation and entrepreneurship by providing financial resources and expertise to startups at the seed and pre-seed stages. The USF offers non-refundable grants to startups, which can be […]

VDI/VDE-IT – Germany

VDI/VDE-IT’s mission focuses on successful innovation where new technologies generate real economic and social impacts. VDI/VDE-IT promotes R&D&I by offering a comprehensive set of services for innovation programme management to public authorities. Being a non-governmental private innovation agency, VDI/VDE-IT continuously strives to improve.

VINNOVA – Sweden

VINNOVA (The Swedish Governmental Agency for Innovation Systems) was set up 2001 up to foster stronger innovation systems that will contribute to sustainable long term growth of the Swedish economy.

Board Members

The Portuguese National Innovation Agency

António Grilo

Isabelle Bébéar
Business Finland

Timo Metsä-Tokila
Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology
Carlos de la Cruz
Danish Agency for Higher Education & Science

Gitte Agerhus
The Italian National Agency for New Technologies

Oscar Amerighi
Enterprise Estonia

Sigrid Harjo
Enterprise Ireland

Marina Donohoe
The Austrian Research Promotion Agency

Sabine Mayer
The Croatian Agency for SMEs, Innovations and Investments

Ante-Janko Bobetko
The Swiss Innovation Agency
Chairperson of the Taftie Board
Annalise Eggimann
Innovate UK
The UK’s innovation agency

David Golding
Innovation Agency Lithuania

Romualda Stragiene
Innovation Fund Serbia

Ivan Rakonjac
Innovation Norway

Eva Camerer
The Brussels Institute for Research and Innovation
Stefaan Sonck Thiebaut
National Agency for Inward Investment and Economic Development
Luigi Gallo
Israel Innovation Authority

Neta Gruber
The Investment and Development Agency of Latvia

Laura Štrovalde
National Agency for Innovation and Research Luxembourg

Benjamin Questier
National Research, Development & Innovation Office (NKFIH)

Ádám Kiss
National Centre for Research and Development
Cezary Błaszczyk
The Hungarian Innovation Agency

László Bódis
Agency for Enterprise Development
Katarzyna Duber-Stachurska
Projektträger Jülich PtJ

Dieter Labruier
The Icelandic Centre for Research

Ágúst Hjörtur Ingþórsson
Research Council of Norway (RCN)

Anne Kjersti Fahlvik
Netherlands Enterprise Agency

Abdeluheb Choho
Slovak Innovation & Energy Agency

Martin Svoboda
SPIRIT Slovenia
Slovenian Agency for Entrepreneurship, Internationalisation, Foreign Investment and Technology

Irena Meterc
Technology Agency of the Czech Republic

Petr Konvalinka
Technology Development Foundation of Turkey

A. Mete Çakmakci
Ukrainian Startup Fund
To be appointed

Jan-Henrik Fischer-Wolfarth
The Swedish Governmental Agency for Innovation Systems

Anne Lidgard
Flanders Innovation & Entrepreneurship Agency
Mark Andries
Wallonie Entreprendre

Anne Vereecke

Executive Working Group Members

The Portuguese National Innovation Agency

Mafalda Dourado

Ronan Bourgeois
Business Finland

Matti Hiltunen
Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology
Javier Garcia
Danish Agency for Higher Education & Science

Sune Kaur-Pedersen
The Italian National Agency for New Technologies

Roberta Boniotti
Enterprise Estonia

Tiiu Treier
Enterprise Ireland

Kevin Burke
The Austrian Research Promotion Agency

Sabine Mayer
The Croatian Agency for SMEs, Innovations and Investments

Neno Rakić
The Swiss Innovation Agency
Executive Secretary 2024
Annika Nussbaum
Innovate UK
The UK’s innovation agency

David Golding
Innovate UK
The UK’s innovation agency

Sophie Mifsud
Innovation Agency Lithuania

Paulius Petrauskas
Innovation Fund Serbia

Milena Kostadinović
Innovation Norway

Marte Tobro
The Brussels Institute for Research and Innovation
Annelore Brantegem
National Agency for Inward Investment and Economic Development
Rosella Vitale
National Agency for Inward Investment and Economic Development
Teresa del Pizzo
Israel Innovation Authority

Uzi Bar Sadeh
The Investment and Development Agency of Latvia

Egita Aizsilniece-Ibema
National Agency for Innovation and Research
Avit Blanchy
National Research, Development & Innovation Office (NKFIH)

Réka Bozóki-Gál
National Centre for Research and Development
Bożena Grzybowska
The Hungarian Innovation Agency

László Korányi
Agency for Enterprise Development
Michał Polański
Projektträger Jülich PtJ

Marion Karrasch-Bott
The Icelandic Centre for Research
Svandís Unnur Sigurðardóttir
Research Council of Norway (RCN)

Cathinka Holtermann
Netherlands Enterprise Agency

Eduard Winter
Slovak Innovation & Energy Agency

to be appointed
SPIRIT Slovenia
Slovenian Agency for Entrepreneurship, Internationalisation, Foreign Investment and Technology

Irena Meterc
SPIRIT Slovenia
Slovenian Agency for Entrepreneurship, Internationalisation, Foreign Investment and Technology

Igor Milek
Technology Agency of the Czech Republic

Baya Barbora Nuñez
Technology Agency of the Czech Republic

Eva Bendlová
Technology Development Foundation of Turkey

A. Mete Çakmakci
Ukrainian Startup Fund
To be appointed

Gereon Meyer
The Swedish Governmental Agency for Innovation Systems

Ann-Mari Fineman
Flanders Innovation & Entrepreneurship Agency Belgium
Maarten Sileghem
Wallonie Entreprendre

Olivier Van der Elstraeten