Taftie's International Partners
Taftie has grown to more than 30 members, all important national players, from many European Union member states and other countries associated with Horizon Europe. Although Taftie agencies are different in many ways, they have a joint focus on R&D with a perspective towards application and innovation.
Taftie members also want to reach out beyond Europe to high-quality agencies facing the same challenges. Cooperation with excellent agencies can broaden the scope of work performed within Taftie. New insights and a different angle coming from organisations outside the EU playing field can help the network to improve. Hence, the Taftie Board decides to invite selected agencies to become International Partner of Taftie.
International Partners are invited to attend the Annual Conference and Policy Forum and to participate in activities of the Taftie Academy. Taftie Task Forces and (ad hoc) Working Groups can also be joined by International Partners.
The present International Partners are: FINEP (Brazil) KIAT (Korea), NRC (Canada) NEDO (Japan) and ESG (Singapore).