Mission / description
The Slovak Innovation and Energy Agency (SIEA) is a contributory organization of the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic. Initially, it formed a part of the Slovak energy inspection. In 1999, it became independent on the ground of the decision of the Minister of Economy of the Slovak Republic. It is a recognized independent expert authority in the energy sector. It performs consulting, training and implementation of support programmes in this area. Since 2007, it also performs tasks related to supporting increasing innovation performance of enterprises. For ten years, SIEA has implemented measures supported by the Structural Funds of the European Union (EU). In 2014, it became the sole implementing agency of the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic.
- Support for innovative technologies – 403 million € (until 2014)
- Support for research and development – 69 million € (until 2014)
- Annual turnover for other activities (including operational costs) – 5,9 million EUR (2013)
- Preparation and implementation of support schemes and mechanisms for entrepreneurs.
- Analyzing the innovation potential of industries.
- Advice services on the implementation of research findings into practice.
- Active participation on international projects funded through the Operational Programme Central Europe, the Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme and the International Visegrad Fund.
Power engineering
- Long-lasting experience in training foreign experts in the field of energy efficiency and renewable energy sources.
- Monitoring and analyzing of energy efficiency and sustainable use of renewable energy sources. Running of the monitoring system for efficiency in energy use.
- Assessing and promotion of projects aimed at saving energy, sustainable use of renewable and alternative energy sources and combined production of heat and power.
- Development of energy studies, audits and measurement protocols for various stakeholders.
178 employees
Slovak Innovation and Energy Agency
Innovation Division
Bajkalská 27
827 99 Bratislava
Tel.: +421 2 5824 8406