FFG – Austria



The Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG)

The Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) is the national funding agency for industrial research and development in Austria. Target groups of funding are companies, RTOs and Universities.


The Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) offers advice, support and funding for research and innovation projects. In this way, the FFG plays an important role in achieving aims, both research and political, defined by Austria and the European Union.


FFG Services

* Funding of research, development and innovation projects
* Advice on selecting the right funding programme
* Support in:

                –  Realising international cooperation projects
–  Activities in the field of Space
–  Cooperation between Science and Economy
–  Exploitation of research results


Moreover, FFG implements the national Broadband Strategy and supports the Austrian tax authorities by evaluating companies’ claims of R&D tax premium.


Statutory basis

The FFG was founded on 17 June 2004 with a resolution passed by the National Council. Its basis is the Federal Law No. I 73/2004. Effective, Wednesday, September 1st 2004 the Austrian Inudstrial Research Promotion Fund (FFF), the Technologie Impulse Gesellschaft (TIG), the Austrian Space Agency (ASA) as well as the Bureau for International Reserach and Technology Cooperation (BIT) have been merged into the Austrian Research Promotion Agency Ltd. (FFG).


FFG Divisions

General Programmes
Structural Programmes
Thematic Programmes
European and International Programmes
Aernonautics and Space Agency
Project Controlling and Audit


Total funding budget 2016: Euro 530 million, plus Broadband 260 Mio EUR.





Sabine Mayer
FFG, Research and  Technology Promotion for Industry
Sensengasse 1
A-1090 Vienna
phone: +43 5 77 55 70 14

E-mail: sabine.mayer@ffg.at
