The Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI) is a Spanish public organisation, under the Ministry of Science and Innovation, whose objective is to help Spanish companies to increase their technological profile. It is a state-owned company, and, established in 1977, has financed more than 15,000 technology development projects so far.
CDTI is manned by more than 300 employees, three quarters of which is made up of engineers and graduates. Although the bulk of the infrastructure of CDTI is located in Madrid, the Centre has built a strategic network of offices and representatives abroad available to Spanish companies (Japan -SBTO-, Belgium -SOST and a Permanent Eureka Secretariat-, Brazil -FINEP-, Korea, Chile, Morocco, China, India, Mexico and USA) to give them support in their international technological activities.
Its main activity is to evaluate and finance technological development, innovation and modernization projects developed by Spanish companies: CDTI grants financial help of its own to companies and facilitates access to that of third parties (bank financing from the Line for the Financing of Technological Innovation) for the execution of both national and international research and development projects.
The budget available to fund R&D&I projects managed by CDTI is about 1400 M€.
- Funds market-oriented technology development with zero interest, long term loans.
- Funds pre-competitive research projects by companies and research centres.
- Promotes technology transfer.
CDTI manages the Spanish participation within several industrial research and development international programs:
- European Union R&D Programs. Head of the Spanish delegations and National Contact Point in the Thematic Priorities and Research & Innovation of FP7.
- Eureka: National Project Coordinator (NPC), including the responsibility of approving and financing projects
- Bilateral agreements with its foreign innovation agencies countries with the objective to promote, assist and fund the development of joint technology cooperation in areas of mutual interest.(China, Japan, India, Canada and Korea)
- Iberoeka: National Project Coordinator (NPC). A program with similar objectives to Eureka, with 19 countries from Latin America, plus Portugal and Spain.
- European Space Agency (ESA): Spanish delegate.
- European Laboratory for Particle Physics (CERN). Spanish delegate in the Financing Committee.
300 employees
Javier García Serrano
Cid, 4
E-28001 Madrid